All of the current adopted measures however are subject to change within our business environment at any time, regardless we will continue to conduct our business in a safe and responsible manner. We are currently operational and you can reach us as usual via phone or mail under the following contact details:
Technical service Germany: +498914901233 and
Technical service International: +498914901433 and
Sales Germany: +498914901149 and
Visits and travel: “Social distancing is the new closeness”. By various means such as Telephone/ Skype / Facetime / MS-Teams and TeamViewer, we are available for you even from a distance. Video also works as a viable option. Our sales and service team is able to support you in case of need nevertheless we would request that you align with us in advance and keep the necessary distancing requested.
Logistics: Deliveries are running well but in some cases with limitations depending on circumstance. We are currently working from sufficient stocks and will work hard to do our best, we appreciate your understanding in cases where lead times may become longer.
TRAC Academy: Until further notice no personal trainings will take place. We are working on potential online-solutions as an alternative and will inform you accordingly. Requests under
Stay healthy. Please have in mind all business colleagues concerned and their families, in particular in Italy and Spain.